
Dear Dreamer, 

You are special. You are loved. You are needed. 

When I was young, my mom always encouraged me to be whatever I wanted to be. My dream to become a famous singer was accepted and encouraged by my mother. The amount of times she mentioned that I should audition on American Idol are countless. I give so much credit to my mom for all that I’ve done in life, because she allowed me to be a dreamer.

I could see a lot of parents trying to instill reality into their child's brain out of fear of them dreaming too big or out of the box, but not my mom! I was capable of anything in her eyes. Thank you so much, mom, for allowing me to grow up this way! 

So this is to all my fellow dreamers. The ones that can’t sleep at night because of the overwhelming excitement of that new project or adventure. The ones that don’t just see the logical result in something but sees all of the enormous potential. The ones that aren’t afraid to go for something because they believe in it with their whole hearts.  

I get you. I believe in you. I am one of you. 

You will have situations in your life when people don’t believe in you. You will have times when you fail. But promise me something.. don’t let those things steal your beautiful dreams away from you. 

I think your ability to dream and see good in the world is exactly what you were made to do!


If any of you have big dreams and want to chat + be excited about them, please feel free to send me a message so I can support you!! Love you all and thanks for reading.