
Happy Friday, you guys!! For this very special Feature Friday we are thrilled to introduce you to one of our besties, Emily, and her amazing work! Keep reading to learn more about how her and how she started her Etsy shop!

Hello Harbor & Pine fam! My name is Emily Hagan, I recently have just turned 26 year old and I mention that because celebrating birthdays and eating cake are two activities that truly warm my heart and soul.
I am a full time newly certified Speech-Language Pathologist. Most people hear SLP and think of little kiddos that have cute speech sound troubles like lisps and weird R/L mix ups. But my job covers all aspects of communication (social skills, cognition, speech sounds, grammar, reading, writing, stuttering, etc..) including all ages birth to elderly.
I’m currently at an elementary school which so far has been a dream come true. A master’s degree is required for my position so I applied everywhere. I like to fly by the seat of my pants sometimes. My education took me to Orlando, Florida of all places and this is where Twin Maple Blossoms was born! Yay!!
I have always known how to sew (thank you mother and 4-H) and have been an avid Pinterest lover. So the idea sparked when I saw some embroidery hoops on Pinterest and I thought I could totally make that myself!  I really was looking for a cheap craft that could provide me with some stress relief during grad school, express my personality and connect to people I cared about. Embroidery became all that and more.
My business name is special to me as: Twin comes from Twin Lakes where I grew up, Maple comes from my favorite tree, and Blossoms came from my cutie pie boyfriend Jared, to complete the business name. He and my unbelievable roomies at the time encouraged me to turn my stress outlet into the Etsy shop. (Jared’s also amazing with numbers so that’s a bonus when building a business).
The Etsy shop has now moved with me back to Michigan and continues to be a way I can relieve stress, express my ever growing faith in God and if I’m lucky make a little cash money on the side to keep it going and growing. (Sorry I know that was long winded but hey, SLP’s love to talk!)

How long have you been creating things?

Twin Maple Blossoms was started around the fall of 2017. So almost 2 years! Crazy how time flys when your embroidering to podcasts in the car (by the way road trips are unreal for needle work) and many episodes of The Bachelor.

What is your favorite piece to make?

My favorite embroidery hoop pieces that I’ve made so far were bridesmaid’s gifts, replicas of family homes, plant inspired hoops, baby remembrances and wedding blessings. *check out the pictures. I believe when someone requests a custom order they are allowing me into a special moment of their life, whether that be a joyful or difficult moment I’m always extremely honored to be able to create something special that can travel with them for life.

Photo by: Vienna Glenn Photography

Where do you get inspiration from?

Literally I get inspiration everywhere! I always have a running note in my phone of quotes, colors, song lyrics, pictures of flowers, lettering design that I like and different stitches that I want to learn.

What are some of your goals and dreams?

My previous goal was to be in a store front, which I accomplished in Florida. I was actually in two! If you’re ever in Orlando check out The Owls Attic and Freehand Goods. Both are amazing shops with the coolest owners.
Currently, my goal is to sell over 100 pieces by the end of the year via my online Etsy shop, enter two more stores in the next two years and develop a pattern set that customers can purchase, learn & create their own embroidery hoop.
I really believe God gives all of us talents and when we share those talents with others in positive upright light it’s a way of spreading His encouragement.

Where can people find you and your work?

You can find my embroidery hoops online on Etsy at www.etsy.com/shop/TwinMapleBlossoms. I’m also on an app called Instagram which you’ll totally love if you’ve never heard of it. ;) Under the handle @twin_maple_blossoms. Give me a follow because I do like to give stuff away....AND!!!!
ANNOUNCEMENT!!! You can find my hoops now in Harbor and Pine’s adorable booth at Urban Rustics!!!! I’ll be keeping their sweet booth full of embroidery hoop love! So keep your eyes peeled for a special piece for your home or a gift for your bestie or bride to be.

Isn’t she just the cutest and so talented?! We absolutely love being able to collaborate with and share so many creative and talented people on our little blog, and hope you love it too!! If you or someone you know would be interested in being featured, please send us an email or comment down below!!