Why We Should Stop Comparing


Have you ever walked into a gym and immediately found yourself comparing yourself to every single person in the room?

I sure have! I remember so many instances where I would be on a treadmill and all I would pay attention to was what people were doing around me, comparing my speed to theirs, comparing how I looked, comparing how hard I was breathing. WHY DO WE DO THIS?!

If you're like me, you can probably think of many other situations where you let comparison steal your joy. A lot of people like to blame social media for this problem we all have, but I think it's something everyone has dealt with, for forever. Now we just have more direct access to things that make us compare our lives to others!

So, how do we stop comparing? Just stop, right? If only it were that easy.. haha. I've realized, like most things in life, comparison is just a feeling. It's a feeling of jealousy, competitiveness, self-doubt, self-hate. The good news is, we can change how we feel! We can choose to be intentional when we notice ourselves falling into that trap and take a different route.

The reality is, we are beautifully made! God gave each of us special and unique gifts. When we allow comparison into our lives, it's forcing us to ignore these amazing parts of ourselves. So let's stop comparison from stealing our joy and stop questioning who we are! Let's be open about our struggles and admit when we are feeling not good enough because I guarantee, someone you know is feeling the exact same way right now!

I could go on and on about this! Let us know in the comments if you would like to see more posts like this one in the future. We love and appreciate you all! Thanks for reading and if you ever need some more support, feel free to join our private Facebook group, where you can openly share anything you're going through!


(First photo by: Brita Caroline Photography)

Harbor + Pine | A safe place to grow.