How I Keep My Small Home Clutter-Free!


Since Christmas is right around the corner, there is no time like now to go through your home and get organized and get rid of the things no longer being used before 1. your kids will be receiving a bunch of new toys and things or b. you’ll be receiving a bunch of new toys and things! Haha. To quote Marie Kondo, “keep only those things that speak to your heart.” 😊

We get asked a lot about home organization tips and tricks and I wish we had all of the answers for you, but we’re still trying to figure it out ourselves and get as organized as possible! Haha. But here are a few things that have worked for us while living in 1,000 sq ft houses for the past 5-1/2 years:

Be mindful about what you allow to enter your home.

It’s so important to only bring items into your home that you truly love, not just because something was on sale or because you want something new. The pieces in your home should to add to your space, not take away from it. Not only will this save you some money, but will also help you organize the existing stuff better!

Purge often.

Go through your closets, dressers, and cabinets often and get rid of the things you haven’t used or worn in months. Unless you have a specific need or desire to keep it. Are you holding onto stuff “just in case”? I know I can be guilty of that. It’s so easy to accumulate stuff over time and it can easily get out of control in a smaller home!


Everything needs to have a home.

This makes cleaning/picking up so.much.easier and faster! And if something doesn’t have a home, ask yourself if you need this item? Do you use it often? If so, create a home for it! If not, donate it, sell it, or throw it out!

Make the most of each space.

I’ve actually rearranged all of the rooms and closets in my home a handful of times and we’ve only lived here 3-1/2 years, because when you don’t have much extra space, you want to figure out the best layout and maximize the function for every room.

Storage (and the way you store things) is everything.

This one kinda goes along with the previous, but in a small home especially, it’s important to try to create storage where you may be lacking. The way we’ve done this in our home is using nightstands with 3 drawers that store some of our clothes, adding open shelving in our small bathroom, and building a shoe rack in our entry closet!


Invest in some bins, baskets, and storage containers.

For me, this helps a lot! Baskets for food in my pantry, a basket for my kitchen cleaning supplies under the sink, a basket for just about anything. Haha! It keep your things looking neat which feels good and looks good! This will help you to keep similar things together and organized!

Do you have any tips on keeping your home free from clutter? We’d love to hear!